Nearest Testing Center

Nearest Testing Center Providing FAA Testing

Need help finding the nearest location to take an FAA test... take a look below.

After studying for your test with our study course, you can take your test at a military installation or a PSI Lasergrade test center... your choice.

FREE TESTS !! Tests are available for FREE to applicable military/government personnel at LOTS of military installations worldwide, and the FAA is trying to equip as many installations as they can. To find out if you can take your test for free at your military installation, call the installation education office and ask. New military installations are being outfitted with FREE FAA testing all the time. So if your military installation isn't on the list, call the education office at the installation and ask them if they can give FREE FAA tests yet.

The following information is for the commercial (non-military) testing centers:

To locate your nearest testing center, click on the PSI online registration link below. There you will find a menu option that says 'Find a Test Center' that will assist you. If this is the first time you are using the PSI website to schedule your exam, you must start by creating an account using your FAA Tracking Number (FTN Number) found in IACRA.

PSI Online Registration

If you don't find a testing center near you by using the link above, then call the 1-844-704-1487 PSI scheduling help line for assistance.

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Central Time daily to sign up for a
test prep course. (940) 642-4945
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